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Winrock International

Volunteer Opportunities

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Current Openings

Overseas assignments last from two to six weeks. Click the assignment title to obtain additional details. Volunteers must meet basic qualifications for the assignment.

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Training in Queen-Bee Rearing and Colony Multiplication

Location: Labe

Assignment Number: GUI301

Volunteers Requested: 1

Recruiter: Sherri Kabaou | | 501.280.3019

Winrock International requests the support of a Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer for a 15-day volunteer assignment (including travel) located in Labe, Guinea. The volunteer will train beekeepers to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for effectively managing and optimizing their bee colonies, thereby contributing to the sustainability and productivity of beekeeping operations. Currently, the Federation of Apiculture of Guinea lacks knowledge in queen-bee rearing, colony multiplication, and maintaining sustainable and productive operations to ensure the health and productivity of their bee colonies. Participants will learn to identify the health of queen bees, understand the life cycle of bees, employ practical techniques for queen-bee rearing, and utilize methods for successfully multiplying colonies. These will enhance their ability to maintain thriving and resilient bee colonies.

Therefore, the volunteer must be an expert in training an adult audience, semi-literate, meaning some participants will know how to read and write (in French), some will not. The training material must be adaptable and easily replicated.

The volunteer should have the following qualifications and background:

·       A University degree in Apiculture, Entomology, Biology, or a related field that can provide a solid foundation in the theoretical aspects of beekeeping.

·       5+ Years of extensive hands-on experience in beekeeping, focusing on queen-bee rearing and colony multiplication.

·       A minimum of 15 years of work as a beekeeper or apiarist, demonstrating a deep understanding of bee behavior, hive management, and the intricacies of colony dynamics.

·       Experience working in Sub-Saharan Africa/Western Africa.

·       Fluent in French preferred. A translator will be provided to facilitate the training if needed.